“The earth is what we all have in common”
Our planet is sick. To date, the Earth has been getting warmer every consecutive year, More so than has ever been historically recorded. Humans have onset dramatic climate changes on our planet at unprecedented rates. Having catastrophic effects in all parts of the world causing; droughts, extreme weather patterns, natural disasters, glacier melting, sea level rise, water and food scarcity, and having mass extinctions of plant and animal species. Mother Earth can no longer keep up with the demands of modern, consumptuous lifestyles and increasing populations. It is time for each and every one of us to become environmental stewards and pioneers to create a sustainable future for the promise of tomorrow and all future generations. Luckily that’s why I am here. To keep you informed on current events and providing you with the tools to create more than you consume and reverse the effects of climate change.
Sign petition, tell Trump administration to keep public lands in public hands.