Trump administration dismantles Obama's legacy on capping greenhouse emissions
This week, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has begun (and expected to complete) the process of repealing The Clean Power Plan. One of the more impressive victories during Obama's era, as it was the first- ever agenda put in place, to responsibly place limits on the large amounts of carbon dioxide pollution released into the atmosphere by our country's coal and electric power plants. This bill is a remarkable step towards actually reducing the effects of our current climate crisis.
One of Obama’s biggest supporters of the bill during this time was the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). An agency that not so long ago, prompted Obama to address and act on a rigorous report they put out calling “greenhouse gases a threat to human health—an “endangerment finding—citing added risks of severe drought, hurricanes, and wildfires.”
Despite scientific concerns, the new head of the EPA- Scott Pruitt, and his top deputy- Andrew Wheeler ( former lobbyist for the Coal Industry) are set to dismantle The Clean Power Plan this Monday. Allowing for profit-driven industries to have zero regulations on the amount of harmful chemicals and pollution they can emit into the atmosphere. Coal plants provide 40% of all electricity in America, although nearly 70% of greenhouse gases found in the atmosphere come from them. Extra carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is the leading cause of human-induced climate change, and the United States stands as the second biggest emitter of greenhouse gases next to China.
As well, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) air pollution is now the world’s largest single environmental health risk. Nearly 7 million premature deaths occur annually linked to air pollution. Reducing air pollution could save millions of lives.
Pruitt’s arguments towards appealing the bill was fueled by his own lawsuits over the last few years, in his effort to say that “the Obama administration exceeded its legal authority in trying to limit greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.”
This disheartening and outrageous action by Pruitt and the President are both dangerous and horrifying. Already across the Globe, millions are witnessing the effects a warming planet is having on their ability to thrive and even survive, as heat waves are continuing, droughts are persisting, sea levels are rising, catastrophic hurricanes and wildfires are worsening, and food and water are becoming scarcer.
“Admin will not ignore science or law anymore, nor will they ignore the responsibility we owe to our children and grandchildren. That the current evidence on climate change and the effects it is having on the planet and communities is real and alarming”
It was only less than 10 years ago, in 2009 former head of the EPA Lisa Jackson reported to come out publicly and say that "Admin will not ignore science or law anymore, nor will they ignore the responsibility we owe to our children and grandchildren. That the current evidence on climate change and the effects it is having on the planet and communities is real and alarming"
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) was originally developed by a group of environmental scientists and supporters, to ensure the protection of all Americans and their health, environment where they live, work, and learn. And, more importantly, to keep our air clean and water safe. According to their mission: It is meant to be our countries national effort to reduce environmental risk based on the best available scientific information to ensure the nation’s best protection. Allowing large amounts of toxic chemicals and carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere doesn’t seem to me like the new head of the EPA is refusing scientific information, and no longer has anyone’s best health interest in mind.
Pruitt's public announcement this week only solidifies his lack of concern for the overall environmental and health standards, by lifting regulations and allowing dirty fossil fuel industries to set their sails again, without taking into consideration the overall health and well-being of our planet and its people.
Leaders from 197 developed and underdeveloped countries such as India and China, joined together last November and committed to addressing the issues of climate change as together they proposed the “Paris Agreement”. An Agreement between nations to work together in reducing their carbon emissions in order to withhold global temperatures from rising to a critical level of 2 degrees Celsius. As well they planned to jointly work together towards the transition into clean energy options such as solar and wind power by 2030.
Yet, with the easement by Pruitt and Trump on The Clean Power Plan, and decision to pull out of the Paris agreement, our country as a whole is portraying to other countries that we no longer care about the environment, it’s people or the agreement. That we will instead continue to support industries that promote the opposite and will take no responsibility for the consequences of the costs these companies will inflict on our already pressing issues of climate change.
It is not only vital, but common sense that the EPA must enforce the Clean Power Plan and defend not just our countries right to clean energy, air, and water for all, but for all people, everywhere, to have a safe and healthy life.
We cannot sit back and watch this fight hoping the outcomes are in our favor. The effects of climate change must be addressed and tackled now. I deeply encourage every one of us to protect our tomorrow and use our voices. Please, take 5 minutes to sign my petition—and tell the U.S Senate to follow through on the EPA’s commitment to a clean and sustainable future.