Mono-culture revealed

If anyone has ever driven across the country, on what you thought would be an epic road trip, most likely you spent hours staring at vast expanses of Corn, Wheat & Soy fields. When i say expanses, i mean hundreds of acre's of perfectly aligned golden stalks of crops. This image represents a specific type of farming called "Mono-culture." Mono-culture is a relatively newer form of farming (in the history of agriculture) where one specific crop is repeatedly grown on the same plot of land year after year.

The Mid-West has always been known for their plains, long stretches of grassland, rich soil and abundant space. Making it a great option for large scale farming and giving this region it's nickname: "The bread basket" of America. What one may not notice while driving through endless miles of fields is what is happening below the surface. Farmers here have dedicated their lives and their savings in hopes of feeding themselves and the world with such commodity crops. (crops generally grown in large, intense volumes primarily for the purpose of a specific market rather than direct consumption)

While large amounts of Corn, Soy and Wheat are being grown across majority of the Mid- West and other parts of the country, very little is actually being put into the bellies of the hungry and instead is re-processed for other uses. Such as sweeteners, corn syrup, food fillers, and more specifically to feed live-stock all over the world. Today in the United States, corn specifically occupies about 97 million acres of land. In fact, roughly 40% of all grain and 60% of all corn produced goes directly to feed animals instead of the mouths of millions.

So what is the problem?

The problem is, this method of farming is no longer making the future of food look promising. Instead this system is failing and having massive ecological and biological impacts on our environment and health. In order for farmers to produce and ensure productive and prosperous yields of crops, large agriculture companies (such as Monsanto) have created manufactured "special" strains of these crops, along with special fertilizers and pesticides. Enabling crops (for at least a little while) to grow in circumstances they normally wouldn't be able to thrive. Giving true the term Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO"S) because of their synthetic alteration. It should be noted that today because of GMO's, approximately 75% of all crops that have ever existed in the world have been lost forever because of this modern technology. Yes, forever! 

GMO'S also tremendous effects on Land and our Health. 

THE LAND: To start, any time one type of crop is repeatedly grown in the same area over and over again, the soil becomes extremely depleted of nutrients. (It's like only eating bread for every meal). Rather than rotating a variety of different crops that naturally replenish and restore nutrients and vitamins into the soil. Monoculture strips the land of such health. Making it difficult for crops to do well, inevitably perpetuating farmers to use more chemicals fertilizers to make up for the loss of nutrients in the soil. As well, when just one type of crop is grown it becomes harder to naturally fight off pests and weeds who are drawn to a specific plant. Creating an even larger problem. Weeds or bugs over the years adapt to such chemicals that they become more tolerant and even resistant. Becoming what we now call "Super Weeds". Same reason we see different strains of the flu every year. Resulting in the use of  (you guessed it) more chemical pesticides. Today, farmers are now seeing the effects of this on their land and some are even having to walk away from their land with debts in the pockets because of soil infertility. It will take years or even decades for farms to replenish and build soil back up so it can be used again in the future.

OUR HEALTH: If crops grown with chemicals are fed to animals who are treated with chemicals then what are we eating? More chemicals. As well, when land has been depleted of all nutrients this often results in the process of erosion. If heavy rains or flooding occur in these areas, runoff pollution from these chemicals wash away from the fields and into nearby waterways where water flows into. Runoff often kills any aquatic life in these water systems, as well as effects any animals that also drink from these sources, including us. People living near polluted pesticide fields or drinking sources could also be drinking nitrate polluted water from their wells. It's been estimated that 25% of drinking water from wells contain traces of nitrate at rates above the safety zone. If exposed to these chemicals enough adults are likely to develop gastric or esophageal cancers and other cell deformities, weakening our immune systems. 

How can you help?

-Eat Less Meat. Producers and markets respond to consumer demand. Eating less meat means less Corn, Soy, & Wheat will be needed to provide food for live-stock.

-Buy local. When you purchase your products locally you can have a closer connection to the market and producer of  where it is coming from and how it is produced. Being able to ask questions first hand from a producer or market helps us understand where our products are coming from and how they are produced.

-Go Organic. Opt for meat or vegetables labeled "organic" or "grass-fed". You can ensure these animals are on a GMO free diet and are produced more sustainably.