There is something soothing and cozy about waking up on a Sunday morning, eyes barely open, to the sweet smell of something baking in the oven. Sunday's are meant for waking up slow, but for some reason this morning I was up and at it early. So I decided to sneak out of bed to whip up something hearty and delicious for the beau to wake up to. This weekend I purchased an abundance of blueberries since they won’t be in season much longer. I wanted to put them right to use, so I went with a baked good I haven’t had in a while that reminded me of when I was younger and my mom would surprise us with this delicious treat. Blueberry muffins! My recipe of course is a whole-some, gluten-free rendition of hers.


In most natural cases, blueberries only tend to grow and harvested in summer months (July-August). When they are in season I like to buy them in bulk when they are affordable. I immediately use some and then freeze them for later use in things like smoothies, and baked goods. Sure, you can still find blueberries during the winter but as mentioned this isn’t usually natural, and so prices for mediocre ones tend to sky rocket during fall and winter months since they are harder to grow. Remember a key factor for living more sustainable is eating what is growing in season, and in your location.


I couldn’t think of a better way to use these bursting berries than to throw them in a batch of mouth watering muffins! This is one of my go-to recipes for healthy blueberry muffins. They always come out consistent and delicious.  Full of protein, no wheat or dairy, and lots of flavor! I did add a little bit of an all-natural sweetener, although the blueberries really make these muffins sweet enough on their own.

Did you know that blueberries are also considered a “super-food”? Which makes them at the top of the lists in health benefits and cancer fighting foods. Blueberries are full of antioxidants and minerals our bodies need. They can help prevent against DNA cell damage that is normally caused by free radicals or toxins in the air and our food. They have actually been proven to help neutralize such radicals in our bodies and prevent against heart disease and cancer. They also help with gastrointestinal health and brain function.

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These guys came out pretty perfect. You can’t even tell their gluten-free because of their light and fluffy texture. The fresh blueberries also help to keep them moist days after baking. Next time I will make less muffins and fill each cup with more batter to create a larger muffin. The choice is really yours, so play around a little bit with muffin tin sizes and see which you like better. I hope you'll share with your loved ones and enjoy!
