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It has only been just two days since we arrived here in Salt lake City, but I was more than ready to get my cleanse jump started! Especially after spending 20 hours in a car, and little to no options for healthy let alone organic food on the way out here. Luckily we had a few good snacks with us, but I knew once we got settled in, it was time to jump start my clean eating routine again. Which means lots and lots of salads and raw eats. This green detox salad is my go to because - well it's green, my favorite color and means that it is loaded with chlorophyll the most nutritional health & immunity boosting benefits.

Given it's also the start of fall with colder temps slowly creeping in, our bodies tend to need some extra help in fighting off common colds and other flu like systems as we adjust to the seasons changing. The green goodness detox salad is a wonderful start to pump your body full of all the vitamins and minerals needed to fight off bacteria and keep your immune system strong. This salad is a green blend of kale, avocado, and cucumber, with a home-made apple cider-lemon vinaigrette dressing. I'll start by listing all the ingredients and their benefits so you know exactly what your body is getting with each bite.

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Nutritional benefits:

Kale- is low in calorie and carbohydrate contents. Making it an ideal food for achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight. Adding more green like kale into your diet helps regulate your digestive system and bowel or gut health because of the increase in fiber. It is also rich in vitamins A, C ,E, & K and has an abundance of carotenoids and antioxidants protecting our cells from free radicals that can be cancer causing.

Avocados- Actually classified as a fruit are composed of extremely good fats and help protect against liver damage and inflammation. The best part about eating avocado's for me is the ability they have to help absorb other nutrients when combined with other foods we eat. Which I greatly appreciate because my body lacks in doing this naturally.

Cucumbers- As much as it is beneficial for our bodies to receive all these vital nutrients, it is also important to consume as much water as possible to help in flushing our systems out when we are cleansing. Cucumbers are mainly comprised of water which makes it a helpful resource in adding a flushing agent to our meals. As well the dark green layer or flesh of cucumbers is full of Vitamin A, & C, and most importantly folic acid. Which is a vital component for women's health, especially those who are pregnant as It helps ensure proper brain and spinal growth. Additionally, cucumbers are composed of silica- a mineral great for strengthening our connective tissues.


Lemons- One of natures most nutrient rich and diversely used fruits. Lemons are packed with Vitamin A, Vitamin E- which helps boost stamina and vitality and prevents against free radicals found in the air or other toxic environments. They help improve metabolism and are filled with Vitamin C-which our bodies don't make on their own. It is great for boosting our immune systems, and reducing hyper-tension in our muscles and joints. Additionally, they are full of flavonoids and other antioxidants great for also preventing cancer. Lastly, lemons contain B vitamins such as B-6 & B-3's which lower cholesterol, promote blood circulation and proper brain function. For women, consuming lemons can help regulate hormones, and lower pre-menstrual symptoms, as well as aiding in constipation and indigestion.

Apple cider vinegar- Being used more and more as bases for salad dressings and other baking needs because of the long list of health benefits. It has been proven that apple cider vinegar can help reduce cholesterol and heart disease and well as shedding some pounds. Because it helps in lowering blood sugar and insulin levels, when consuming Apple cider vinegar your left feeling more full and satisfied helping you to consume less calories throughout the day. 

What more could you ask for in one simple salad? I immediately feel better after devouring a huge bowl of this goodness. Side note I tend to keep the dressing in a separate jar from the salad so that I can eat it all through out the week. Below you'll see I have added a few additional ingredients to the recipe to sweeten it up a little bit and offset some of the bitterness that can be associated with the leafy greens and acidic dressing.
